Azimut was the company of my internship during my studies at INSA. In 2 months, I've realized two differents subjects with two differents technologies.
The first project was a set of tools in PHP/Zend to automate cleaning the newsletter mailing base.
The second project was more a proof-of-concept about the collaborative work in real time. I've mostly used node.js and AngularJS.
I've executed my internship at the University of Portsmouth at the Centre for Molecular Design at the end of my DUT.
I worked to implement some tools described by canadian researchers with C/C++ with Python and the GSL. The purpose was to compare some proteins to other molecules in acceptable time.
Nine was a POC developped as a one-year project at INSA Rennes about a digital notebook. You can see the associated website and more details in the portfolio.
We have used some C# with the MVVM pattern to make the interface of this Digital Notebook. This project has gained some importance for my school, the project is reconducted one more year.
I regularly used carpooling with people from my school for vacation trips. And during our talk, I was entrusted to develop a project of a mobile web-app to manage the sports Olympiads for the six schools of INSA group. Within three weeks in addition to classes, it was necessary to develop and deploy this application. In 50 hours, it was on foot (helped by a friend for the front-end part). You can retrace my experience on this article (fr).
Available at the library of INSA Rennes, this subject of 2014 is entitled « Les MOOC remettent-ils en cause le système de l'enseignement supérieur ? ». This project concerns the development of a monograph produced in group on a subject of tomorrow. That was the opportunity to synthesise, make useful researches, to be critical and to interview inspiring people( M. Nebra, co-founder of OpenClassrooms).
This was an important project of my DUT, available on GitHub. The aim of this project was to propose a electronic way to manage bikes rental. I was into the association and very interested by making their management easier with a dedicated website.
Ideologia is the project that we used to develop during my DUT and after. We have continued to develop it on our free time until 2015. The source code is accessible on GitHub and should be running here.
We used a wide stack of technologies including Ruby, a little bit of RoR at the beginning to switch on PHP with some recent JavaScript framework.
Dobby is my latest personnal project on GitHub. It's providing a platform to formalize exchanges betweens browsers with websockets and games developped with that platform.
It's also an experimentation to work on micro-architectures, parallelism and bleeding-edge technologies.
To present my first projects, like that one.
My first attempt to develop a browser game, with Gildas.
Home made CMS (bis)
Home made CMS
My first website with generator of banner, chat and forum.
Five versions of my first web-programming attempts.